Avi Biran


"Please hear my prayer at this time through the merit of our matriarchs Sarah Rivka Rachel and Leah and cause light to shine from our candle so that it shall never be extinguished."
(From the prayer said by the women before lighting the Shabat candles).

Matriarchs candle holders
Closer look:
Shabat candle holders

Copyright © 1998 by Avi Biran

The Four Matriarchs encircle in dance on the circle of life upon which the words of the above quotation are sawn out. The design is inspired by Henri Matisse's painting "The Dance" (1910). The matriarchs' heads support the candle holder. The space enclosed by their touching feet represents the feminine womb. The candle, which symbolizes life in Jewish culture, emerges fron this womb.

Candle-holder can be removed for cleaning.

Sterling Silver, 4" x 4" x 4".

Two candle holders $2,250


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